AOT Listed as Thailand Sustainability Investment for 6 Consecutive Years


On 5th October 2021, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) has been listed in the Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) 2021 for 6 consecutive years.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) has announced Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) 2021 list which comprises the listed companies that conduct sustainable business operations by valuing their responsibility to the environment (Environmental) and the society (Social), and managing their businesses in line with corporate governance principles (Governance). THSI serves as another choice for investors who desire to adopt a responsible investment approach. Among 146 leading companies, AOT was listed in THSI and has proven its obvious determination in handling the pandemic crisis of COVID-19 and adopted the new normal factors, such as digital transformation and passengers’ behavioral changes, to consider as part of the emerging risk. Furthermore, AOT realizes the importance of hygienic measures and employees’ health safety for business continuity and operational efficiency as well as supporting society, stakeholders, customers and business partners, in order to overcome this situation unitedly. AOT also aims to enhance energy efficiency including setting quantitative goals and disclosing the reduction of carbon dioxide emission. Hopefully this could drive the country to a low carbon society as well as tackling the climate change problem.
AOT is honored to be a part of Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) 2021.
This has proven our intention of operating the business with trustworthy, integrity and good governance together with developing a good work ethic environment. All of these are the important foundations of building sustainable growth for both the organization and the aviation industry.
Media Release No. 40/2021, 7 October, 2021
Corporate Communications Department, Airports of Thailand Plc
Tel: 0 2535 5242 Fax: 0 2535 5216